Most important added features are Widescreen (obviously) but also Zoom in and out effects (thanks to 1.1b) and new select screen sorting, with Random option. See this WideScreen Edition as a proposal, a prototype, an attempt. The Z2 Team has made an amazing job, and as a fan of their game, I tried to respect the original visual and game mechanics, although minor changed must have been made to fit the Widescreen conversion. And also it would be more attractive to most players' eyes. That it would match dragon ball x street fighter x kof feeling better. With nowaday's screens, I found it would be a plus if this game were displayed in widescreen, with no black borders. Although I tried to adapt it as faithfully as possible to the original, this modding is only meant to provide what the game could look like and how it'd feel if it were in 16:9. This version wasn't made to replace the 4:3 version.