It's a PS2 demo CD that we stripped down and edited with ops2m.exe. It only shows the matrix only logo if it's ps2 homebrew, not sure about psx. If it were a ps2 game, it would show the ps2 logo and the matrix infinity logo at the bottom right if it were a psx game, it would simply show the psx splash screen. However, since only the matrix logo is displayed, I'm thinking u used a video file as part of some homebrew. I thought of adding my friend's license photo as a joke. With the matrix infinity modchip (that logo is what's displayed for homebrew), u can alter the logo that's displayed. Free download BOOT.ELF HDLoader untuk ps2 hdd Free download BOOT.ELF HDLoader untuk ps2 hardisk yang berfungsi untuk BOOTING /untuk mengatasi ps2 layar merah/hitam setelah logo matrix selain itu berfungsi menampilkan gamelist/judul permainan Silahkan teman teman download di:SINI GERATIS. To use your PS2 in full VGA glory you will need a compatible VGA monitor and an external VGA adapter (either an original Blaze adapter or an homebrew one). Cara install boot elf ke hardisk playstation 2.
Free download BOOT.ELF HDLoader untuk ps2 hardisk yang berfungsi untuk BOOTING /untuk mengatasi ps2 layar merah/hitam setelah logo matrix selain itu berfungsi menampilkan gamelist/judul permainan Silahkan teman teman download di:SINI GERATIS.